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Yangtze River Protection Law Passed! Intelligent detection systems and water quality monitoring equipment will see more demand

Release time:2024-09-20click:0
As the largest river in China, the Yangtze River accounts for 35% of the country's total water resources. The entire basin supports 40% of the country's population and GDP. It is not only a very important germplasm resource bank, but also plays an important role in my country's economic and social development. It occupies a very important strategic position in ecological and environmental protection and is an important support for the sustainable development of the Chinese nation.
However, under the combined effects of climate change and human economic and social activities, the relationship between "water resources-water ecology-water environment" in the Yangtze River Basin is tense, and the ecological environment protection situation is grim.
In order to promote the comprehensive green transformation of the economic and social development of the Yangtze River Basin and realize the harmonious coexistence of man and nature, on December 26, the 24th meeting of the Standing Committee of the 13th National People's Congress voted to adopt the Yangtze River Basin Protection Act. This law will take effect from March 1, 2021.
The Yangtze River Protection Law includes 9 chapters, including general principles, planning and management and control, resource protection, water pollution prevention and control, ecological environment restoration, green development, guarantee and supervision, legal responsibilities and supplementary provisions, with a total of 96 articles. The promulgation and implementation of the Yangtze River Protection Law will form a hard constraint mechanism to protect the mother river.
For a long time, the high-density layout of heavy and chemical industries along the Yangtze River has been the gathering area of ​​my country's heavy and chemical industries. There are many environmental risk points in the region, and 30% of environmental risk companies are located in drinking water sources. Within 5 kilometers around the site, unreasonable industrial structure and layout have resulted in prominent cumulative, superimposed and potential ecological and environmental problems.
Years of monitoring data show that although the area of ​​the Yangtze River Economic Zone only accounts for 21% of the country’s total, its total wastewater discharge accounts for more than 40% of the country’s total. Chemical oxygen demand, ammonia nitrogen, The emission intensity of sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxides and volatile organic compounds is 1.5 to 2.0 times the national average.
In order to promote the protection of water resources in the Yangtze River Basin, our country has protected the Yangtze River Basin in many aspects. In October 2019, the Ministry of Ecology and Environment held an executive meeting to review and adopt in principle the "Measures for Monitoring and Early Warning of Water Environment Quality in the Yangtze River Basin (Trial)".
The meeting emphasized that with the goal of fully realizing automatic monitoring and early warning of the water environment, we should accelerate the construction of automatic monitoring stations for water environment quality in the Yangtze River Basin, continuously improve the automatic monitoring management and technical system, and effectively improve the quality of the water environment in the Yangtze River Basin. The timeliness and accuracy of water environment quality monitoring and early warning will continuously improve the water environment quality.
In October 2018, the Ministry of Ecology and Environment issued the "Water Pollution Prevention and Control Plan in Key River Basins (2016-2020)". The "Plan" requires that by 2020, the national surface water environmental quality will be improved in stages.The number of water bodies with good water quality has increased. The overall water quality of the Yangtze River Basin has improved from slightly polluted to good. The overall water quality of other river basins has further improved on the basis of the current situation.
At present, 780 cross-border sections have been added in the Yangtze River Basin, 668 automatic water quality monitoring stations and quality control emergency monitoring platforms have been newly built or renovated, and the monitoring of sewage outfalls into the Yangtze River main stream has been actively promoted. At the same time, our country has specially formulated and issued the "Yangtze River Ecological Environment UAV Remote Sensing Survey Work Plan" and the Yangtze River Sewage Outlet Monitoring Plan to provide guidance and regulations for monitoring work.
In addition, with the accelerated integration of new generation digital information technologies such as the Internet of Things, cloud computing and intelligent applications with the manufacturing industry, the development of networks and intelligence has also injected new impetus into the Yangtze River water quality monitoring . Academician Hou Li'an, a professor at the Chinese People's Liberation Army Rocket Engineering University, proposed that satellite remote sensing, intelligent sensing and other technologies can be used to develop full-process monitoring robots for water systems, focusing on the development of water monitoring drones, sample collection robots, and multi-functional water quality monitoring Intelligent monitoring equipment such as robots and water facility inspection robots can realize functions such as pollution source investigation, rapid identification of water problems, and water quality early warning and forecasting in the Yangtze River Basin.
In order to protect the water environment of the Yangtze River, the Yangtze River Protection Law increases the prevention, control and supervision of water pollution in the Yangtze River Basin, stipulates the effective control of total phosphorus emissions, and the improvement of urban and rural sewage collection and treatment capabilities. . As a benchmark for water environment quality, water quality monitoring will take the lead in the market, and the demand for water quality monitoring equipment will also continue to grow.
 (Original title: The Yangtze River Protection Law passed! Intelligent detection systems and water quality monitoring equipment will see more demand)

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