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Eutrophication of water bodies is a serious problem. Algae counters protect clear lake water.

Release time:2024-09-30click:0
It’s spring again and flowers are blooming. As the temperature continues to rise, various organisms have begun to reproduce in large numbers, showing the unique vitality of this season. In order to enjoy the beauty of spring, the editor took advantage of the holidays to go sightseeing in the countryside, but found that the problem of eutrophication of water bodies was serious. Many lakes were invaded by phytoplankton algae, giving off an unpleasant smell. The rippling blue waves no longer exist.
Water body eutrophication refers to the water pollution phenomenon caused by excessive nitrogen, phosphorus and other plant nutrients in lakes, rivers, reservoirs and other water bodies. Due to the enrichment of nitrogen and phosphorus nutrients in the water body, the rapid reproduction of algae and other plankton causes the dissolved oxygen content of the water body to decrease, causing the decline and even extinction of algae, plankton, plants, aquatic organisms and fish.
So what causes the excess plant nutrients in water bodies? Generally speaking, under natural conditions, water bodies will also transition from an oligotrophic state to a eutrophic state, but this natural process is very slow. Eutrophication of water bodies caused by the artificial discharge of industrial wastewater and domestic sewage containing nutrients can occur in a short period of time. With the rapid development of social economy and the rapid growth of population, large amounts of domestic sewage and industrial wastewater are discharged into lakes and reservoirs without treatment, which greatly increases the content of nitrogen and phosphorus nutrients in the water body. In addition, the application of large amounts of chemical fertilizers and pesticides in agriculture has also accelerated the eutrophication process of water bodies such as lakes and reservoirs. According to a survey by the United Nations Environment Program (UNEP), 30%-40% of lakes and reservoirs in the region have eutrophication problems to varying degrees. Eutrophication not only causes the water body to lose its proper functions, but also causes the ecological environment of the water body to evolve in a direction that is unfavorable to humans, which will affect people's lives and social development. Therefore, the issue of eutrophication has received widespread attention.
In order to deal with the problem of eutrophication of water bodies, relevant departments have increased their efforts in monitoring water quality. Algae counters have played an important role in the prevention and control of eutrophication of water bodies.
The algae counter has a variety of domestic algae (cyanophyta, green algae, diatoms, euglena, xanthellae, brown algae, dinoflagellates, chrysophytes, chrysophytes, red algae, charophytes ), thousands of algae identification and comparison libraries, which can intelligently match and search through morphology, keywords, taxonomy, common algae, etc., automatically analyze and identify the taxonomic affiliation of the inspected algae, and assist those with insufficient knowledge of algae to learn and judge. Possible phyla, genera and species of algae. At present, the instrument is mainly used for online monitoring of drinking water and measurement, monitoring and research of rivers, lakes, marine algae and plankton. With the deepening of the creation of a positive and friendly society, algae monitoring has gradually developed in the country, and algae counters have replaced manual microscopic counting, improving work efficiency and accuracy.
In addition to monitoring water quality, people alsoOther measures have also been taken to control eutrophication. These technical measures can be classified into the following categories: controlling nutrients in water bodies, algae removal, biological regulation and bioremediation, ecological engineering and ecological restoration, and comprehensive treatment. Although controlling eutrophication, controlling algae blooms, and restoring healthy lake ecosystems throughout the lake is still a global problem, especially for large lakes, it will take a long time to fully restore a healthy ecosystem. However, with the development of science and technology and people's increasing attention to environmental protection issues, we believe that sparkling, crystal clear lakes and rivers will reappear!
 (Original title: The problem of eutrophication of water bodies is serious, algae counters protect clear lake water)

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